Taco. We’ve all heard the term. What is a taco? A fine example of pre-Colombian cuisine originating from the Valley of Mexico? The most humble yet desirable form of latin street-food? Or an idiot, a moron, a loser; a fantasy-inept member of your league who puts shame on their name every week? OR IS IT YOU?

Jocks Anonymous has seen its own share of tacos over the years; many of us Mexican, some of us are better than that, and the rest have struggled to find success in a manner that belies their inclusion in our hallowed club. Given this rich diversity, we at JA are well-situated to help educate even the shallowest of Fantasy Football hopefuls on what it takes to successfully manage a team.

Without further ado: Jocks Anonymous Fantasy Football 101

  1. Do
  2. Not
  3. Be
  4. Like
  5. Stu